The plot and types of speech.
I think that the story is
written in 3rd person omniscient point of view. It is a method of
storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the
main character.
There are direct and indirect speech, which help to reveal the main character’s nature and create a true-to-life atmosphere of the events depicted
The story introduces us a teenager, Connie. She is a main character who has a conflict with her family because of such difficult age. She walks with her friend a lot, dressing candidly. She behaves at the public and at home in different ways.
One summer night , she has
dinner with her friend. Arnold notices Conny
and her Eddie. She doesn’t pay attention to him but once his car appeares at the door of her house when she is alone. Arnold
talks with girl and wants that she rode with him. She is frightened. Realising
that she doesn’t want to ride, he threatenes her. Konnie joines Arnold in order to save
her family. She transitiones from the childhood to the adult life.
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